OSOK Member Rigs


Here is a spot to display our pride and joy. Each rig has its own personality. Some rigs are linked so that you can find out more about them. If you have a rig that you think is special in some way, send me a pic of it to squeegie@paintballzone.com along with your name, type of gun, and anything that you may have done special to it. Thanks members!!

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Squeegie's Angel

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Ghost's Gear

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Sniper Mike's Rig

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Headcrab's Rig

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Mike O.'s  Rig

Mike Kauppila's Rig
2GF & gear
Nick Baele's  Gear
Tack's gear
TJ Sico's gear
Raven's gear
Philly's gear
Whitey's gear
Grey Ghost's gear
Poppa Bears's Rig